Interactive Kiosks and Wayfinding

Sharing Real-Time Company Data with Digital Signage Software

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Is your organization looking for a quick and easy way to view and share your important metrics about your company’s performance in real time with the rest of your team? A digital dashboard is the ideal tool to use in communicating all types of important information to every employee.

Investing in digital signage software gives you the ability to share Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from multiple departments as they happen. There are three main benefits companies will enjoy from doing this:

  • Keeps the staff up-to-date and knowledgeable. Employees who understand the company’s goals, where they are being hit, and where they are falling short, are more likely to stay focused on and committed to the big picture.
  • Stays on the same page. When a group reviews the same information, they are more likely to reach the same conclusions. By everyone having access to the company KPIs in real-time, there’s a greater sense of cohesion both within and across departmental lines.
  • Encourages employee feedback. Arming current staff with real-time data allows them to process information, form opinions, and share their thoughts. Feeling like they are part of the process strengthens company culture and increases employee morale.

Some examples of KPIs that can be shared with digital signage software are:

Financial KPIs

A financial KPI is a measurable value that’s used to show how an organization is performing at generating revenue and profits. Financial KPIs are one of the most important measures of a company’s success and long-range viability.

  • Growth in Revenue
  • Net Profit Margin
  • Gross Profit Margin
  • Operational Cash Flow
  • Current Accounts Receivables
  • Inventory Turnover

Each of these can be displayed on the company’s digital signage software in real-time, either with charts or graphs. Powerful visuals assist in catching and keeping every employee’s attention and making it easy for them to understand sometimes complex calculations and metrics.

Sales KPIs

Creating, supporting, and increasing sales helps a company stay in business and grow. Obviously, all employees want to see their company have good sales numbers because that translates into job security. Digital signage software can showcase several sales KPIs that flesh out company sales as well as what it means for the company. They can be either numerical data (in dollars, units, or percentages), or measurements of certain aspects of the actual sales team’s performance over time. Some examples of these types of KPIs are:

  • Number of New Contracts Signed Per Period
  • Dollar Value for New Contracts Signed Per Period
  • Number of Engaged Qualified Leads in Sales Funnel
  • Hours of Resources Spent on Sales Follow Up
  • Average Time for Conversion
  • Net Sales; Dollar or Percentage Growth

Sales KPIs paint a clear picture of where the company is going, how fast it’s growing, the level of success the sales team is achieving and how many new customers are coming on board. Sharing all this information builds a stronger relationship with sales and the other departments within the company.

Customer KPIs

Every person in an organization should realize the importance of its customers. Without them, profits would plummet and the doors would close. Reviewing and understanding the proper metrics regarding the ones who are conducting business with your company is crucial in serving them well and building your business. Building a consistent procedure of tracking and measuring aspects of customer interaction satisfaction and support helps management identify weaknesses and possibly save customer relationships that would otherwise be damaged or lost.

  • Number of Customers Retained
  • Percentage of Market Share
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Average Ticket/Support Resolution Time

By sharing these real-time customer KPIs, each employee is empowered by the knowledge of where the company stands in relation to the main competitors, how well customer support handles issues, and where the process can be improved upon. Again, with digital signage, these numerical measures are easier to digest for the average person because of the rich graphic visuals that tell a story faster and more clearly than paragraph upon paragraph of text.

Operational KPIs

Measuring a company’s business performance across a period of time helps management know what is working and pinpoints areas that need more attention. Focusing on these metrics gives insight that helps build long-term growth strategies, stay ahead of the competition, and create scalability.

  • Order Fulfillment Time
  • Time to Market
  • Employee Satisfaction Rating
  • Employee Churn Rate

When operational KPIs are shared beyond the management level, the data boosts every employee’s knowledge of their company and its inner workings. Knowing where a company falls on the measurement scale creates a deeper investment in each team member, and offers them insight into how other departments fit into the organization’s success.

Marketing KPIs

There are a wide variety of marketing metrics available that point to the company’s level of efficiency, productivity, and success. These aspects of business are easily quantifiable and shareable through digital signage software.

  • Monthly Website Traffic
  • Number of Qualified Leads
  • Conversion Rate for Call-To-Action Content
  • Keywords in Top 10 Search Engine Results
  • Blog Articles Published This Month
  • E-Books Published This Month

When employees are exposed to marketing KPIs, they can better understand the way marketing helps sales roll out products, promote the brand, increase visibility, and turn prospects into customers. Real-time data sharing sheds light on marketing’s “secrets” that can tighten relationships with other departments.

Taking steps to help team members visualize workplace data is a smart, productive move. Sharing company data with every employee helps build trust, promote buy-in, and encourage a stronger, richer culture. By using digital signage software as a communication tool, organizations are able to impart all types of information from multiple channels to every team member, regardless of their title. Over time, this process strengthens cross-departmental relationships and helps staff maintain focus on their role in the company’s success.