Interactive Kiosks and Wayfinding

Digital Signage for Safety and Emergency Communications

Digital Signage Mobile App for Emergency Alerts

Digital signage software is widely used to help companies of all sizes and across many industries be more successful, drive revenue, and to better communicate important information to their employees, customers, patients, and visitors. But did you know it can also function as an integral part of keeping those same people safe and free from harm?
Digital signage enables organizations to share all types of information in real-time. Doing this assists in increasing workplace safety and communicating emergency messages. Here’s how.

How Digital Signage Helps Increase Workplace Safety

Workplace safety should be a top priority for every organization. According to the OSHA Act employers must furnish their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards. Employers are turning to digital signage to help accomplish this goal. It assists in five major ways.

  • Increase Safety Gear Usage. There are many reasons why people need to wear safety gear while they are on-site, and digital signage can serve up consistent reminders to do so. Eye and ear protection, gloves, dust masks, safety harnesses, steel-toed boots, and non- flammable fabric are some of the many important safety standards some companies put in place to protect their employees and visitors. This is even more critical in the age of COVID- 19, when wearing masks correctly and consistently just may save a life.
  • Proactively Reduce Accidents. Using videos and other interactive content is more memorable to the audience, which may help them avoid dangerous behaviors that could cause accidents. Avoiding slick areas, staying out of the way during dangerous testing, and keeping safety protocols at the forefront of their minds are all things digital signage can accomplish.
  • Promote Healthy Living. Unsafe working conditions can be harmful to employees, but unhealthy lifestyles can, too. Digital signage can serve as a tool to promote regular checkups, cancer screenings, exercise plans, or to announce gym membership discounts. Announcements about open healthcare enrollment periods, flu and shingle shot availability, and ongoing contests that encourage weight loss or quitting smoking can be shared with digital signage, too. Some companies may even encourage stair use, post nutrition tips, or announce incentive campaigns.
  • Remind Staff of Fire Safety Protocols. One of the most dangerous and serious disasters that can happen in a building is for it to catch on fire. Organizations, especially those that manufacture or work with highly flammable material, must be able to execute evacuation and containment plans quickly and effectively. Digital signage can be instrumental in making sure everyone knows exactly what to do in the event of a fire. From understanding where the nearest exits are to where the fire extinguishers are located, every piece of the protocol can be periodically shared via digital signage.
  • Share Good Safety News. People respond well to good news and love to hear about what they are doing right. Showcasing the number of days the facility has gone without an accident or an injury and focusing on a team with 100% participation in wearing their safety gear is a smart way to both build morale and encourage buy in. Announcements about what the company is adding or investing in to keep employees safe is a way to get the news out while helping them feel their employer cares about their well being.

Why Companies Trust Digital Signage with Their Emergency Communications

Businesses, hospitals, and non-profits are increasingly deciding that digital signage software is a smart tool to use to convey emergency announcements. With its rich graphics and real-time information capability, there are multiple scenarios where it functions better than a simple sign, email, or announcement.

  • Warn of Workplace Violence. It’s a sad fact that we must worry about violence at work. Disgruntled employees or customers, conflict between two employees, escalated domestic disputes, or even total strangers wreaking havoc is possible. Along with other safety protocols like locked doors, limited entryways, security cameras, and badge requirements, digital signage can quickly warn and help protect employees and visitors from impending violence. From trespassing individuals to physical altercations to active shooters, digital signage can convey the message along with the safest action to take (fleeing, sheltering in place, etc).
  • Announce Dangerous Spills or Breaks. Certain industries work with toxic or flammable materials and, in the event of a spill or leak, digital signage enables companies to announce the problem and advise people who are on site what they need to do. Alerts can also be issued if there has been a security breach, or if a piece of machinery has broken down that could cause safety issues. Real-time updates help keep everyone calm and secure while the incident is contained.
  • Alert of Fire. One of the most common and scariest disasters that can occur at work is a fire. Luckily, most of the time they can be contained, but sometimes they end up causing serious time and numerous injuries. Digital signage software can help by alerting people quickly and loudly so nobody misses the information. It is also a tool that can relay the instructions so people know what to do next.
  • Direct Wayfinding. In the event of an emergency, the last thing companies need it for people to wander around, unable to find the exits and evacuate the building. Maybe there is smoke and they can’t see, or maybe the lights have malfunctioned and it is dark. Digital signage offers wayfinding information in real-time that can alleviate this problem. Being able to provide everyone with a safe route to where they need to go without getting lost or asking for directions is integral to avoid serious injury or death, in some cases.

Safety is a major priority for all companies and needs to stay at the top of everyone's minds. From daily first aid reminders to the occasional emergency alert situation, safety information can come in all shapes and sizes. By leveraging digital signage as a powerful tool for sharing safety and emergency information employees and visitors need, businesses can minimize the risk of a serious incident and promote an environment where everyone does their part to maintain and increase the effectiveness of safety protocols.