Interactive Kiosks and Wayfinding
St Vincent Carmel Hospital 2

St. Vincent Carmel Hospital

Visual Communications for Healthcare


One St. Vincent Carmel employee was responsible for creating and broadcasting PowerPoint signs for providing pertinent information throughout the Hospital. Information such as meeting notifications to associates and managers and generic hospital wide notices were previously dispersed through mass emails. St. Vincent came to ConnectedSign requesting information on how to improve their communication through the digital signage process. They specifically required cafeteria menus, HR/benefit updates, staff recognition, time/date, weather, upcoming events, and weather emergencies.


We worked with St. Vincent Carmel to create templates with dedicated spaces for cafeteria menu options, department and hospital news, live newsfeeds, weather and time/day information. These templates are a permanent structure for their digital signage as live data pulls in daily menu options, current weather, daily announcements and more. These live data features allow already existing Word documents to become a source for live data in the signage which cuts out the middle step of creating PowerPoints that would then need to be deployed. The digital signage increased efficiency as well as reduced the number of internal emails being sent out.


St. Vincent Carmel Hospital is an integral part of the St. Vincent community health organization. A member of Ascension Health, the largest Catholic health care system in the country, the mission of St. Vincent health organization is to care for the bodies, minds, and spirits of those in need.

St. Vincent Carmel’s recent expansion of their Emergency Department and Breast Center, and designation as the regional facility for both St. Vincent Women’s and Children’s hospital, allows St. Vincent Carmel to provide comprehensive care for their patients in Hamilton County, Indiana.

St. Vincent Carmel Hosital has been recognized as one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals, demonstrating their dedication to delivering higher quality, higher satisfaction, and lower costs to their patients.

The Digital Signage solution from ConnectedSign allows St. Vincent to continue providing the best information delivery for its patients and staff.